CORE+ Healing Diastasis Rectus Abdominals
What makes CORE+ Healing DRA different from other online abdominal healing programs?
This is a comprehensive masterclass! Bonus educational videos to connect to your core and contract the correct muscles. You'll learn about posture and why it's so important in healing DRA. You'll learn about what DRA really is and dispel fear and myths.
Not the same exercise video over, and over, and over...All classes and the overall exercise program was written by a physical therapist with scientific researched dosing of exercise in mind.
Each class is unique - you'll never get bored in 3 months of exercising! Each day you will progress in difficulty through the classes. Each 10 minute class engages different muscles and movements. To add interest and beauty, classes are set to different music and backgrounds.
Habit formation and exercise tracking literature are included. Ensure that you won't miss a day and you will build a habit. Also, realistically, there is room to rest 1-2 days per week from exercise class.
Access to a perinatal and pelvic floor physical therapist! Just use the professional platform to reach out for your troubleshooting.