Postpartum Physical Therapy
Feel like your body was torn apart and now you need to be put back together? Yeah, that’s how Dr. Becky felt too after the birth of her first child, and a big part of why she started caring for postpartum moms. As a rehabilitation expert, doctor of physical therapy, Dr. Becky will listen to, help, and guide you back to feeling like your whole self.
Confused about when to begin exercising after birthing a baby? You should start exercising immediately after birth! You ought to start connecting to your core ASAP with gentle isometric exercises, and then progress from there. Dr. Becky will hear and understand your concerns for gaining optimal health to rehab from pregnancy & birth. As the body functions as a whole, she will educate you on your physical dysfunctions and prescribe exercises to fix those dysfunctions to achieve your goals. Additionally, you will receive hands-on manual therapy and exercise guidance.
Common postpartum conditions treated at Bud & Bloom PT - diastasis rectus abdominus, painful sex, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence (it's not normal at 4 weeks postpartum or 4 years postpartum - empower yourself to fix it!), breastfeeding issues with positioning and recurrent mastitis (education on lymph massage, shoulder girdle stretching and strengthening), lower back / pelvic / pubic / perineal pain, upper back and neck pain, and generalized weakness.